Start with you favorite canned fruit pie filling, peach, cherry, apple, or a mixture of any or all, store bought or home canned. Depending on the size of your DO and you pie filling cans, open the can or cans and pour into a cool DO. Cover the fruit with a box or two of Jiffy yellow cake mix, again depending on the size of things. Just sprinkel the dry cake mix over the fruit in as even a layer as you can shooting for about a half inch to 3/4" of cake mix or the nearest whole box equivelant. Then depending on what you have or perffer add several dabs or slices of butter on top of the cake mix or shoot on some squeeze parkay if you like. Sprinkle with some cinnnimon or nutmeg or whatever you like and bake at 350 for 30 -45 minutes.
Have you noticed that I have no hard rules to follow? Just keep an eye on your cobbler after say 30 minutes and look for the filling to bubble thru the top crust or the top crust to start to brown or both depending on the juice content of your fruit filling. My favorite is two large cans of peaches in a syrup, two boxes of Jiffy cake mix (they are actually kind of small boxes anyways) about half a stick of butter and a sprinkeling of cinnimon. The butter melts down into the crust and the filling bubbles up into the crust and the result is....well you will just have to try for yourself!
Have you noticed that I have no hard rules to follow? Just keep an eye on your cobbler after say 30 minutes and look for the filling to bubble thru the top crust or the top crust to start to brown or both depending on the juice content of your fruit filling. My favorite is two large cans of peaches in a syrup, two boxes of Jiffy cake mix (they are actually kind of small boxes anyways) about half a stick of butter and a sprinkeling of cinnimon. The butter melts down into the crust and the filling bubbles up into the crust and the result is....well you will just have to try for yourself!