I've got an opportunity to get some Select Round Tip Roast for $2.99 tomorrow at a Kroger.
The last untrimmed whole brisket I bought had a 36% yield to it.
I know the Round Tip is a whole lot leaner and so should have a much better yield.
The last brisket I bought was $1.63/lb but afterwords at 36% yield it really cost me $4.51/lb.
At $2.99, I would need better than a 66% yield to come out the same price. And to make it worth the change, I would need quite a bit better than that.
Just to see what would happen, I bought a Market Trim Select Extra Lean whole brisket to test (trimmed "hard" to the meat except for the fat cap on one side, but that was trimmed to about 1/4-1/2 inch). Cost was $2.29/lb on sale and yield after cooking came out to 53.3% which comes out to $4.30/lb. A bit better but that was a sale price. I didn't find any difference in the moistness or taste though, so I would do this again. Less labor lost on trimming it up also helped "cost".
Anyone know what sort of yield I might expect from the Tip Roast?
If it's getting sliced about the thickness of regular bologna, could it pass for brisket? Looks and/or taste?
The person it's going to calls it roast beef anyway (makes me cringe every single time
). The main thing is that I want the quality tenderness and taste of the brisket -that's the bottom line. And they just seem to be really fatty right now for some reason. But...it's nagging me that I might be able to substitute this or something else out for it and do better profitwise.