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One Easter Sunday at church, an Usher was handing out bulletins as the folks came into the sanctuary. The pastor pointed out a young couple with a cute little girl. The pastor asked the Usher to be sure to ask the little girl her full name. The Usher figured the pastor was trying to learn the young coupleâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s last name.
The young family came up to the Usher and he gave them a bulletin. The little girl was the very picture of a little angel. She had on a lacy white dress, white shoes on her feet, she carried a little white purse, on her head a pretty little white Easter bonnet, and she had the prettiest blonde curly hair— the very picture of a little angel.
The Usher knelt down and asked the little girl her name. She said, “Mary.†The Usher asked, “Mary, what is your full name?†The little angel replied, “Mary Ann Butler Come HERE!â€
The young family came up to the Usher and he gave them a bulletin. The little girl was the very picture of a little angel. She had on a lacy white dress, white shoes on her feet, she carried a little white purse, on her head a pretty little white Easter bonnet, and she had the prettiest blonde curly hair— the very picture of a little angel.
The Usher knelt down and asked the little girl her name. She said, “Mary.†The Usher asked, “Mary, what is your full name?†The little angel replied, “Mary Ann Butler Come HERE!â€