early labor day cook - friday's cook

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
May 5, 2007
standing over the pit- kentucky
the wife has to work all wkend so i'll be doing my cook tomorrow.
11lb packer brisk @ $1.67lb-$18 something...
pork ribs 4.75lb @ $2.44lb
b.b.pork ribs(i didn't buythat-she did)market special 2.85lbs @ $3.74 lb- (choke/cough)
3lb boneless turkey roast
2lb stuffed fatty(like last week's jalepeno omelette fatty)
going to go rub/marinade now.
play by play & pics to come as usual.
btw walmart had 5 brisks left & it's "a seasonal item" - don't these idiots know it'll be inthe 90-100s here until october ? the upside is the smoker/ patio stuff clearance sales....it's my turn to get a good deal for once.
Now thats a nice list of grub to smoke!
I'll be waiting for the "play by play".
Dang Gypsy, I wish we lived closer... I need some of your energy! That's a nice spread of grub ya' got goin' there!
i am a talented feller- lol. here's the 4 hr pics. marinaded & seared some brisk fat -1 chunk to the beans, 2 chunks to the "skit" & to be wrapped w/ later fer aujus, and 1 chunk to the fire.... old cowboy trick- less wood more heat- messy but just try it- it really adds flavor to the smoke. moved some stuff around & the bb's wrapped- the spares panned & wrapped per someone asking how it works. more to come... http://s178.photobucket.com/albums/w...%20day%20cook/
p.s. clyde - i got some corn for ya..... yer looking a bit thin. and i wish i had a neighborhood to feed. we're in the country but i always take my local store some for a feed & sell a bit. - like bluebell- eat all we can & sell the rest.
Everything looks awesome, and that little yungin' of yours... she's just a real sweetheart! You got it goin' on Gypsy, you are a blessed man!
6 hrs. now- the brisk is back to 154, unwrapped the ribs, added 1/2 the juice to the spritz & 1/2 to the "pooter shooters". added a few chunks a "skeet" & maple twigs... long way to go....
i was actuallyworried about the brisk- as it went to 160 in 4 hrs @ 225 w/ no sign of a plateau- so i moved it & making my own plateau- once the rest is done i will move it to the cooler side again to manually force the plateau- hot side - 240, cold side 185-200- i may end up w/ jerkey.....
more pics to come...
p.s. hawg- i ain't blessed- i make my hard earned peace w/ god. he just understands now that i am a bone headed irish viking.....and he also knows it's about time for me to get my break.- lol - it's all a fun thing.
Looks awsome Gypsy - just awsome!

I hit every WalMart in a 30 mile range and not one lossy brisket! grrrrrr

Spppttt - I did get a new little smoke fridge though 4.3 cubix just the right size for my brining and temporary strorage needs.
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