Flavor was excellent. I initially thought third eyes recipe was going to be too salty but after the wet brine its evened out pretty good and tasted great after smoking. Dry cure recipe was spot on was usual i like the dill weed and pepper on it! texture was was id expect from store bought maybe a little drier. Id wanted to dry it more but was worried about doing it safely sitting in the fridge relying on the fridge to dry it. ( i keep reading about it going rancid or bad in a few days even in the fridge so i didn't want to chance it) Weight loss for both fillet were almost identical both started at 1.2 kg and ended at 1.0 kg so roughly 20%Wow that all looks amazing!!!
How did the flavor turn out?
Also were you able to get the textures you were looking for?
I feel like you made some very good fish to eat there and I love the thin sliced pictures.
MY circulator fan did a good job of not making the fillet overly smoky even though it sat in the smoke for 10 + hours. The fan has one speed ..fast as shit.....i check on it at 5 hrs and didn't feel it had the right color and texture so i let it run. temps started at 67F and ended at 56F when i woke up in the morning.
will definitely do it again and try alternative drying methods
thanks for the help!