We've got over 10,000
AMNPS 5x8's being used by customers
Many are used in the MES 30 & 40 with GREAT success!
If your AMNPS 5x8 is going out after 15 minutes, it's not started correctly
Take your time starting the pellets, and FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS
If your AMNPS 5x8 is going out after 1+ hours, it running out of oxygen
Increase intake air for proper combustion
Old Model MES 40
AMNPS on the rails to the left of the chi pan housing
Pull out the chip pan 1 1/2"
Pull out the chip loader 2"
Open the exhaust
No water in the water pan
New MES Gen 2
Remove the water pan and place it on the floor
Place the AMNPS on the drip pan, right above the hole for the water pan
Pull out the chip loader and turn it 180°(Upside down)
Exhaust wide open
No water in the water pan
The New MES Gen 2 is a totally different smoker than the Old Model MES. I own them both, and have posted extensively on the differences. The New MES Gen 2 does not breath well, compared to the Old Model. Temperature accuracy is far better on the old model.
If you take a look into the hole for the chip loader on the New Gen 2, you'll notice a tube with a "Slot" along the bottom.
Placing the Chip Loader into the hole in it's normal position allows for little to no air to enter the smoker
Turning the Chip Loader 180°(Upside Down) aligns the "Slots", and you will get combustion air