Smoked 2 3-4# shoulders tonight. Started out great. Nice smoke..Temp at 225'..Added wood and sprayed with apple juice and bourbon every hour..About the 8th hour I was still at 120' according to my probe thermometer. I looked at the internal rack thermometer under the porch light (it was dark and my eyes aren't like they used to be)..190' it said! Well, my outside door thermometer on my GOSM read 225' the whole time! OK..Cranked up the heat (propane) and the outside door thermometer said 300'..Inside was at 225'. I wrapped the shoulders in foil when they reached 160'.
So, 11 hours later they're finally at 190'. I take them off. Set them in a cooler and bundle a towel over them.
1 hour later I open up my foil gift and they look great. Smell great.. Ahh success!
I go to use my Bear Paw shredders and the thing is like rubber. Tough as can be. Tastes great though. I even made the finishing sauce for them. But the shoulders were not "shredable" at all.. :(
I am so disappointed. All that prep and all the work.. It's 33' here in Phoenix and we're not used to the cold so I froze my pork butt off waiting and checking the temp every 15 minutes or so. Needless to say, I put some time into these things.
OK..How do I save them? This is my very 1st (virgin) meat smoking. I did some ABT's for Christmas and the wife said they smelled like burnt wood. She's my worst critic. I thought they were awesome and so did everyone who ate them. I can't justify any more smoking with the wife because these were so rubbery and I was SO sure I had everything just right. I'm embarassed.. Can I put them in the house oven tomorrow (today) for dinner and bring them back up to 200' and will they tenderize? I can't do it now because I'm headed to bed. It's almost 5am and I haven't seen my the inside of my eyelids in a while.
Thanks all for your help
So, 11 hours later they're finally at 190'. I take them off. Set them in a cooler and bundle a towel over them.
1 hour later I open up my foil gift and they look great. Smell great.. Ahh success!
I go to use my Bear Paw shredders and the thing is like rubber. Tough as can be. Tastes great though. I even made the finishing sauce for them. But the shoulders were not "shredable" at all.. :(
I am so disappointed. All that prep and all the work.. It's 33' here in Phoenix and we're not used to the cold so I froze my pork butt off waiting and checking the temp every 15 minutes or so. Needless to say, I put some time into these things.
OK..How do I save them? This is my very 1st (virgin) meat smoking. I did some ABT's for Christmas and the wife said they smelled like burnt wood. She's my worst critic. I thought they were awesome and so did everyone who ate them. I can't justify any more smoking with the wife because these were so rubbery and I was SO sure I had everything just right. I'm embarassed.. Can I put them in the house oven tomorrow (today) for dinner and bring them back up to 200' and will they tenderize? I can't do it now because I'm headed to bed. It's almost 5am and I haven't seen my the inside of my eyelids in a while.
Thanks all for your help