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Man with the weather you are getting you might as well live in the was 6 degrees this morning when I went to work.... will be 3 degrees tonight......

PS, I don't miss the -20s minus temps in AK or ND at all...... But what I will say after -5 degrees it all feels the same, its just frost bite happens faster...... I have been in a true -51 degrees with a wind chill of -64 degrees and that is the definition of SUCK!
I stepped off an airplane onto the tarmac one time with the big display board showing -40. We laughed at hitting the temperature where you don't need to specify F or C (but we also buddy-systemed to check for even the tiniest bit of exposed skin beforehand).

To be honest, deep down, the very concept of negative temperatures never sits well with me, brrr!

This was this morning. Tomorrow is supposed to be colder
Says the gentleman from Florida. 🤣
Spent enough winters from growing up in Minnesota, Indiana (yes got record snow when I lived there), and Washington (also got record snows when I lived there), and back to Minnesota.
Knees are shot so no more skiing. Never liked ice fishing. Not enough snow to justify another snowmobile. Pneumonia 10 years ago convinced me to go south for the winter.
6" accumulation by 10am....and coming down heavy now. Supposed to snow all day then clear out. low down to 11*F tonight. Historic for south Louisiana.
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I walked outside to air the dog out and heard kids laughing while playing in the snow...reminds me of my childhood.
What will this weather do to the snakes and Gator's?
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Well it was cold. It rained. It Snowed. It was a winter mix. But no freezing rain. Power stayed on. Drove out today and roads were good. Looks like we lucked out with the storm path. I know Pensacola FL they had 8" which is kinda crazy.

I saw one video of a foot of snow on the gulf with waves hitting it.
I took out the trash tonight and it was 40F outside. I did it without wearing a jacket and survived.
You read like my dad. He loves to brag from North Ft. Meyers this time of year!

They think its cold down there. We're up to a balmy 15 degrees here already this morning. Burnin' though some firewood this week! These are times one really appreciates the wood stove...

So much for that mild winter my wife told me the Farmer's Almanac said we would have. That's why I dont read that stuff. We didn't have any measurable snow for the last two seasons. The snow hasn't been bad this year (yet) but I had to chop an inch of ice off my 300ft driveway with the tractor bucket after the front that came through two weeks ago, otherwise I wasn't getting out. Thankfully this front only brought a little rain but not enough to accumulate any ice.
  • Haha
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