I think the main thing to realize is that the
Masterbuilt electric smokers don't make proper smoke on their own at any temperature, and none at all at low temps because they rely on the main heating element coming on full bore to periodically ignite the wood chips.
So most folks eventually end up using a different smoke generator with or inside of their MES. I use an Amazin
AMNPS tray and wood pellets inside of my MES 40. I have modified the MES to optimize the operation with the pellet tray (maze), and often use it to do cheese, and even butter!
But both cheese and butter are "cold smoking" targets. So I generally do them in spring, winter, or fall when the smoker can be kept quite cool. And, I don't even turn the MES on, or even need to plug it in. I don't want any heat when smoking cheese or butter, etc.
It is important to let the cheese rest and mellow before eating it. and it is good to go fairly light on the smoke.
The link tomolu5 posted is the best guide for cheese smoking I've ever read, and I refer to it often.
There are threads in the cheese making area showing how people have built cold smokers using refrigerators so that they can cold smoke any time of year. I haven't built one myself... yet. But it's on my lost of future projects for sure!
Keep things cool!