First off, welcome (oops, sorry Earl)
Secondly, can you explain what I quoted? I only ask becuase of the following:
now (Charbroiler). To clarify, Brinkman has always been an outdoor company, from camping to grills to tents to lanterns etc. CharBroil is a company that is highly consolidating the grilling and smoking industry.
Oklahoma Joe was purchased by New Braunfels. I have an awesome New Braunfels, US made Bandera, a large vertical standing nearly 6 feet. Great unit.
Brinkmans version of the Bandera is called the Smoke King Deluxe. It is a bit less quality than my Bandera, but has more features and is cheaper. ($189 menards) So let me explain what I mean "my" Bandera
I only said it that way, because over 2 years ago, Charbroil bought New Braunfels company, closed the Texas plants, and shipped manufacturing oversees to China. The "new" Bandera is much cheaper quality than the US built version.
The Brinkman Smoke King Deluxe vertical is superior to the "new" Charbroil Bandera.
To end that part of the story, Charbroil appears to be phasing out the Bandera all together. This was confirmed by not only the removal of the item from the company website, but by a salesman on the phone that slipped and let out the phasing out of this item line.
So Mr Waters, if you check out the Brinkman Smoke King Deluxe, I think you'll find a vertical that can fit 2 to 4 beer can chickens per rack, probably 12 all together on three racks, although 8 might be a sure bet.