After a fuse blew in my controller I contacted
Chargriller customer support because the first time I started it back up I was hitting 300 degrees with the controller set at 225 P2. The support agent told me to set the P setting at P7 and temp to 225 for 10 minutes and it should stabilize and it did. She said for low and slow cooking at 225-250 they recommend P7 setting and for higher temps a lower P setting. What I don't understand is in the manual it recommends a setting of P2 for 225 degrees which I've been using since I purchased this grill. Even if I grill a burger or a steak I've been leaving my P setting at P2. At P7 I did notice there wasn't a 10 degree temp swing like when set at P2 so theres that to take into consideration I guess. Now I wait on a new hot rod to be delivered so manual starts for me until next week.