I'm not really sure if we call this sausage but it is stuffed into a casing so I put it here.
My first Capocollo Ham. Real PITA to stuff into a casing! I don't know how they keep the pepper just on the outside I got it all over ! Taste great though.
8 lbs Pork Butt trimmed
3 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tablespoon Amesphos
2 teaspoons white pepper
2 teaspoons corriander
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspon mace
1/2 teaspoon Prague powder #1
1/2 teaspoons Rosemary
Chill to 36o and trim most fat.
Cut into 3/4 x 2 x 2 inch chunks.
Premix spices and mix with meat. Refrigerate 24 hours air tight wrap.
Remove from firdge and dust with 1/2 tablesppon powdered geletin, then black pepper.
- hot capocoll add paprika.
Dust with black pepper and cracked fennel.
-Stuff into soaked 4" colegen casing.
***** surface all over to release air.
Roll to shape.
Hold at 180o for 4 hours - internal temperature 152o
My first Capocollo Ham. Real PITA to stuff into a casing! I don't know how they keep the pepper just on the outside I got it all over ! Taste great though.

8 lbs Pork Butt trimmed
3 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tablespoon Amesphos
2 teaspoons white pepper
2 teaspoons corriander
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspon mace
1/2 teaspoon Prague powder #1
1/2 teaspoons Rosemary
Chill to 36o and trim most fat.
Cut into 3/4 x 2 x 2 inch chunks.
Premix spices and mix with meat. Refrigerate 24 hours air tight wrap.
Remove from firdge and dust with 1/2 tablesppon powdered geletin, then black pepper.
- hot capocoll add paprika.
Dust with black pepper and cracked fennel.
-Stuff into soaked 4" colegen casing.
***** surface all over to release air.
Roll to shape.
Hold at 180o for 4 hours - internal temperature 152o