Canning Mushrooms???

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Feb 11, 2007
Cumberland Co. PA
Looking for experience with them. I have already read up on processing them but my question is do they stay sliced like store bought or just fall apart into little pieces from the canning process? Thought it’d be a good idea to have on hand the way we go through mushrooms & fresh don’t keep long. Always seem to be out when needed. Plus all this smoked shroom soup going on don’t see why they couldn’t be smoked before canning. Could have soup made in no time.
Thanks in advance.
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Interested to find out as well! Thar looks interesting Thirdeye, will read it later when I have more time.

We always froze them, but good to know to pressure can and use ascorbic acid. I assume sodium erythorbate will work. Thanks for that link thirdeye thirdeye .
Well they do look like they hold together. Great site.

Interested to find out as well! Thar looks interesting Thirdeye, will read it later when I have more time.


We always froze them, but good to know to pressure can and use ascorbic acid. I assume sodium erythorbate will work. Thanks for that link thirdeye thirdeye .
Slightly off topic, but Simply Canning has a good article on Cowboy Canners, the folks that break the canning rules on a regular basis. We all know at least one or two (heck, I'm guilty of bending some rules on occasion), and their article is well done and does a good job with explanations.
I've canned shrooms many times, both whole and sliced, they hold together perfectly. I soak the shrooms in cold water that has baking soda dissolved into it, I use a whole box of baking soda in a good size food lug like you'd use to make sausage. I soak them for 20- 30 minutes, then rinse with the sprayer in the sink.

When I process them, I use distilled water that is slightly salted so the shrooms don't pick up any off flavor from the water. (Our water taste like shit out here)
When I put them into the jars, I pack them in there pretty good, not smashed in, just full. Then I cover them with the salted distilled water and process them using the water bath method for 15 minutes. I'm not sure if that is the recommend method or not, it's just the way my family has done them for 100+ years or more, and nobody has got'in sick or died that I know of.:emoji_joy:

For slicing them, a good egg slicer is what works for me.

Good luck.
Slightly off topic, but Simply Canning has a good article on Cowboy Canners, the folks that break the canning rules on a regular basis. We all know at least one or two (heck, I'm guilty of bending some rules on occasion), and their article is well done and does a good job with explanations.
That's the way I can things, the way my family has done things for years and years.

I can't stand some of these Ball Jar approved recipes, they are ridiculous too me at times, but to each their own.

Find an old lady or man that has been putting up food her whole life and watch and learn is the best advice I can offer up.
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