When I first joined this forum in 2007, the place definitely wasn't as big as it is now. It seemed more close-knit and a few of us kicked off the timeless traditions that still exist. For example; the first throwdown was between myself and a member that passed, Desertlites. The first SMF gathering was held by
in N. FL and after the success of the first couple gatherings, more started popping up around the country. I was super proud to be inducted into the OTBS, which is original from the start of this group.
Time has passed since I was heavily involved but I still am proud of my accomplishments and the friendships made. Not sure why the HOF is needed (in my humble opinion) as those members may eventually fade into the background (as I have) and new folks emerge. That's the beauty of the OTBS; it contains folks (active and deceased) that brought a lot to this forum and as it grows there's a pride to say "I was here from the beginning" or "I'm included with a great group of folks from past and present".