My friends and I are building a smoker on wheels. The tank is off of a cement truck 120 gallon water tank, the seat is off of an old tractor, the wheels off of a old farm wagon, the steering wheel from a airport hanger tractor, the thermometer is set in a kitchen sink drain, top of smoke stack is a hub cap, the handel on door is a shovel handel, the brackets that hold door handel are from a car top carrier, I still would like to put some headlights on it from older tractor, we made are own shift lever, the fire box is from 1 foot Dia. wheel pipe with cast iron door bolted on has damper in door, damper in pipe from fire box to tank and a damper in smoke stack , I will put a small dashboard on it, still I will sand blast it then paint it I think wheels will be red and the rest black. anyone have any ideas. thanks for looking.