Hello All -
Broke in the new GOSM today and all went well execpt for the fact that the smoke didn't last long at all. Filled the box with small chips of oak, (about thumb size), filled the water pan full, and fired it up - kept it a shade over 200F. Started smoking in 10 -15 minutes but lasted only 1 hour or so. And it wasn't a "thin blue" either - kinda had more smoke than I expected it to after reading through the posts. So I guess I will try chunks next time - maybe it will smoke a little slower and last a little longer. Maybe I should try the baking pan/cofffee can modification or maybe soak the wood some - any ideas?
Broke in the new GOSM today and all went well execpt for the fact that the smoke didn't last long at all. Filled the box with small chips of oak, (about thumb size), filled the water pan full, and fired it up - kept it a shade over 200F. Started smoking in 10 -15 minutes but lasted only 1 hour or so. And it wasn't a "thin blue" either - kinda had more smoke than I expected it to after reading through the posts. So I guess I will try chunks next time - maybe it will smoke a little slower and last a little longer. Maybe I should try the baking pan/cofffee can modification or maybe soak the wood some - any ideas?