i did a small (very small ) brisket today it was only about 2.5 pounds an inch thick one end and about 2 inch at the other end , it came up to 160 f quicker than i would of liked took just over 2 hours so i foiled it with some apple juice took it out to 199 as slow as i could took about 2.5 hours , then took it out wrapped it up a thick towel and forgot about it for another 3 hours .then i got some of the juice from the foil (not much there lost through a hole in my foil ) added to that a dash of red wine vin half a spoon of brown sugar and a couple of good splashes of jeffs sauce , and low and behold tasted pretty darn good the brisket is now sliced and awaiting consumption this evening ( came out looking like what we call here "silverside" or corned beef )suppose i better throw a pic on too.