Brisket and stuff today!

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Jul 16, 2006
Northern NY (Adirondacks)
Howdy Folks,

It's been a while since I posted a smoke, or much else for that matter. I've been reading the forum but just haven't had much time to post.

Today is another matter. It's a beautiful smokey day here in the Northern Adirondack Mountains of New York State. The smoke of the day was supposed to be a locally raised, grass fed beef brisket that I was able to purchase through one of the local high end food establishments at wholesale. I then decided to throw on a pork loin to slice for my lunch sammies this week. (Last week it was apple smoked beef.) While browsing for pork I discovered that one of our local supermarkets had "accidently" trimmed to Kansas City style some spares. I grabbed the spares, and a small pork loin and headed for the checkout before they realized their mistake. (You don't see KC style spares any place around here!)

I'm also going to do a trial run on a smoked vegetarian dish for my department "meeting" to be held here at the Meowey estate in about a week and a half. I'm going to try mixing some cooked Quinoa (a complete protien grain) with some of my pork rub, an egg yolk, and a touch of honey. It's going into pig and bone shaped cookie cutters as molds and will be smoked for an hour or so. (The rest of the department will be having baby backs that day!!)

Hour one Q-View!


Spares foiled!


More Q-View later, and I'll let you know how it all tastes. The spares are for a quick snack in the middle of the day.

Take care, have fun, and do good!


Picture of yard and beautiful blue sky!


Ribs unfoiled and Quinoa molds added.


More later!

Take care, have fun, and do good!


Meowey, that's some great looking stuff. I can't wait til it gets done
Looks great Meowey! Your smokes always make me drool!

I am curious about this Quinoa (a complete protien grain) Is it like a meat substitute? (Can I say that here? - is it a swear?)

It's so nice to see green after this winter isn't it? Have fun hon!
Ribs were good. I couldn't get the camera fast enough after I cut them to take a shot. The quinoa actually picked up the smoke flavor and did taste good. The dog bone shape came out of the mold well, but the pig shape lost his head. I smoked the quinoa for about 1 hour 50 minutes. It was a little dry. I may try to unmold them before smoking and smoke for only about an hour.

I don't know Debi if you can use that word here. I figure that smoking quinoa for a vegetarian friend and talking about it here may also be close to heresy. LOL!

More Q-View later!

Take care, have fun, and do good!


I was lookig for ribs last night and all the ribs were cut in half through the middle with no back meat. Mini ribs! AND they were the same price as the whole ribs usually are. What a ripoff!

Last time we went to Chillis they served ribs like that and I ask the waitress where the other half went. I hope this isn't a new trend or something.
Looks fantastic Meowey. That looks like a HUGE much did it weigh???

Haven't come across that one yet....Hope your right and it's not some kind of new trend to further jack up the prices on "regular" ribs even further
I'm back!

Food was fantastic! My sammies this week will also include brisket. It was a 7.2 lb brisket. There was a bit of the point still attached that I removed before slicing. That will make a chile along about Tuesday. I got so excited that I forgot to take a pre-slicing pic.

More Q-View

Platter o' Brisket


Presentation plate


Thanks for all the replies.

Take care, have fun, and do good!


Hi again...Nice to see you still know how to mess up a bunch of meat

Had BB's today with your rub recipe on them...Isn't life grand

Take care my friend!
Now that is one good looking brisket. Enjoy it.
That looks good. On the vegetarian thingy....what about putting some rub and smoking slices of tofu? Do you think that would work?
Tofu would probably work. I really don't want to mess with it. I will also smoke some smoked green bell peppers stuffed with of all things a vidalia onion topped with butter and brown sugar.

Take care, have fun, and do good!


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