Hey all!! Haven't posted on this thread in a while, but I check back in to see what people are saying and talking about. Just a couple comments: Definitely seal the ash pan and the gap between the fire box and chamber. That will help with the heat. I put tuning plates in mine at first, but ended up taking them out and bringing the exhaust down to grate level. I, too, was having trouble with getting the smoker hot enough. Used charcoal and chunks combined, but still not hot enough. I turned it into a stick burner and now I do not have a problem keeping it at the desired temperature. If anything, it gets a little too hot!! The only problem I have now is that I didn't buy a cover for it and it has been in the elements for the past 2 years. Showing a lot of rust on fire box and vent is rusted closed about 3/4, so I control the heat with the ash box. She's been a great smoker and I can still get some great BBQ from her. But, I think it is time to start looking for another one this winter. It's been great reading everyone's posts and seeing the Q-View!! Keep it up and smoke on BTLE owners!! I'll be back!!!