Okay, I don't know if there is anyone else out there a bit mystified by the brining debate, but I was. So I went in search of answers as to why I should brine, when I should brine, what I should brine, can I compleatly say bollocks to this and continue on my merry way and not brine ever? I think these questions have finally been answered, in part by the great discussions I found here in this very forum and in part by a nice little post at http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/brining.html . This website breaks it down into very easy and quick explinations on pretty much everything you ever needed to know about the brining process and has links to more involved explinations. I suppose it also helped that I caught an episode of Good Eat's where Alton Brown brined a turky, bless his explinations and visual aids on how a cooking processes actually process.
Anyway, I just wanted to post this tidbit of info just in case any other newbies out there were baffled by brine as well. I suppose this would be a good place to weigh in on your thoughts on brining, your brine recipes, your experiences both good and bad, etc.
Happy Brining!
Anyway, I just wanted to post this tidbit of info just in case any other newbies out there were baffled by brine as well. I suppose this would be a good place to weigh in on your thoughts on brining, your brine recipes, your experiences both good and bad, etc.
Happy Brining!