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What about the AUDIBLE ones I have seen on other forums etc... From what I can see, it will actually tell you what to enter. Performs the same function. AND it can be used along with the pictorial one as well.
I too had problems with this -- it probably took me 20-30 refreshes to find one that I could read. Glad to hear that some different options are being looked at.
I'm not colorblind, but it also took me a bunch of refreshes to get a security screen I could read. I'm glad you stuck it out, and in no time you will be glad too.
Hopefully you've noticed that as a newbie voicing a criticism of this site, nobody got defensive about it or called you down like would happen on some other sites. Instead the webmaster and at least two moderators by my count chimed in to welcome you, thank you for voicing your concern, and promise to look into it. And they meant it; we play nice here!
Captchas (the security string) are unfortunately a necessary evil for forum admins. But ya know what, you made it and that was probably the hardest part.
This site runs like a well-oiled machine so be assured of that.
I recommend Jeff's 5 day e-course and heavy use of the search function.
I'm colorblind as well, and don't remember the signup being painfully hard, but that may just be because I've done them so many times I'm used to refreshing a couple times, lol!
Hey glad you figured it out. We always like to hear from new members. There are alot of things I have never figured out and never will but it's all good!
I don't remember if you do or not, and I haven't read through the thread, but having an audio option for the CAPTCHA would solve this problem.
Also, I've seen some CAPTCHA's that simply ask the user a random question that could only be answered by a human. For example, "What is the day before Tuesday?"
I prefer the latter approach, because you can have such a long list of questions that a spambot would never be able to figure all of them out.
Just my .02 and thanks for the best forum ever, BTW.
[font="]Welcome to SMF, Glad to have you with us. This is the place to learn, lots of good info and helpful friendly Members.[/font]
[font="]For those of you new to Smoking, be sure to check out Jeff's 5 Day Smoking Basics eCourse.[/font]
[font="]Click Here it's "FREE" ... 5 Day eCourse [/font]
[font="]I Would Highly Suggest Reading these posts on Food Safety by bbally. [/font]
[font="]This thread will tell you basically everything you need to know and the man explaining it is[/font]
[font="]both a ServSafe Instructorand a HACCP Instructor.[/font]
Glad you found your way here.. I found this one pretty easy. But i will say there is another bbq board that is much harder. I consider myself to be of at least average intelligence, and i spent 30 minutes trying to register at that board, and never could get it figured out. Figured it was gods way of saying that it wasnt meant to be.
Welcome to our SMF family and enjoy all the knowledge here. Don't hesitate to ask questions, we're here to help! But, it's gonna cost you. You're going to have to smoke and eat meats. And take pictures to show us, because we like to drool too! Have a fantastic time and enjoy all the smokes and don't hesitate to experiment! We're all here to help!
Welcome aboard. It took me 5 tries to get in but when you smoke your first Fatty as I did tonight you will see that it was worth the effort..I will be doing a qview on the fatty...
Sorry But I have to chuckle, I have pretty good eye sight. I have problems with those security things also. frustrating to say the least. then a person with color blindness, never heard from any one else about this. But, hey ya made it. adapted and over came. more power to ya. and like jeff said. thanks for pointing it out. and I hope you enjoy your self here. and get your sign in's
okay you folks out there no more using the color thingie and typein in yellow. I can not read it either. see what I mean but you can read it when you run the cursor over it. kinda like invisable ink.