Yesterday I finally got around to doing something I have been wanting to do for some time. I smoked some beef short ribs and they were delicious. While at my local grocery store I noticed that they had some boneless beef short ribs and they looked great. I bought about four pounds of them and brought them home. Instead of my normal rub, I simply sprinkled (fairly heavy) them with some Cajun spice. put them in the smoker at 225* and monitored the temp of the ribs and smoker. I stayed close to the 225* and sprayed them with apple juice after each hour. When the ribs were at 170*, I foiled them with about a half cup of apple juice and placed them back in the smoker. Then when that were at 200*, I pulled them out and put them in the cooler between two old pillows that I reserve just for that use. After about two more hours, I pulled them out (still very warm) and place them on the grill to firm them up. Also, on about half of them, I slathered my favorite BBQ sauce. The other ones, I left for those who may not care for sauce. I tried them with and without sauce and they were great both ways.
If you see the boneless short ribs on the meat counter and you can work them into your schedule, I heartily recommend them to you. Mine turned out great!
If you see the boneless short ribs on the meat counter and you can work them into your schedule, I heartily recommend them to you. Mine turned out great!