Not really "Bear" ribs.
Actually Pork Spare Ribs & a couple of Dinos, made by "Bear":
Needed something to smoke so I could test drive my replacement MES digital control.
First thought Pork Spare ribs.
Second thought Beef Dinos.
No, Pork!
No, Beef!
Aw the heck with it, let's do both!
So my captions below will explain most of my smoke:
Pretty good buy from Weis. Giant had the Pork Spares for $1.99, but the longer drive would have made it about the same:
All cleaned up, ready to do the St Louis cut. Pay attention to the little hunk of meat at the far right of the Pork Spares:
All trimmed up. Cut spares to fit in MES 30 after trimming. Then wrapped skirt (top right) around that hunk of meat I mentioned in second picture (top left), and skewered it.
Mustard under Cook Shack Rib Rub, ready for overnight in fridge:
Loaded "A-MAZE-N-Smoker" with Apple dust & lit both ends for maximum smoke:
After 3-2-1 at 225˚, spraying with 75% Apple Juice/25% Jack Daniel's Sauce. Also added a coupe ounces of same to foiled package in step two. Put water in water pan too:
Pork Spares & the wrap cut in half to expose:
Beef Dinos and some of the pork trimmings:
My supper after taking pictures (I love them little taters too):
My next day's breakfast. Little slices of that wrap, a few eggs, and some more of my favorite little taters:
Thanks for looking,