Smoke Blower
Hello everyone...
I stumbled onto this website by accident and I must say, THIS IS THE GREATEST WEBSITE EVER!!! Who knew the Internet was good for something other than pornography???
I am no stranger to the Q by any stretch of the imagination, however, I am quite the novice smoker. I'm reading plenty about different methods of smoking and I must say, I have learned more today about smoking pork than I have learned through trial and error over the past few years (Although mistakes have never been so tasty!). I would like to thank all of you who posted on this string, you are all making the world a more delicious place.
I am trying to get a great balance between moist pork and a good hard bark. I have been trying multiple methods and have not yet been successful. It seems like all the methods I've been reading involve a foil wrap at 170 then taking the butt up to 200. I find that this is great to keep the pork moist but my bark always turns to mush. I have also tried taking the butt to 200 without the foil and that just seems to get dry (not terribly dry, but more than I'd like). As an aspiring restaurant owner, I need to find that zen like method that combines the crispy bark with moist and delicious pork.
If someone has already posted a method to achieve this, i apologize for the redundant question. Please put up a link to the post and I would be forever grateful.
Happy Smoking and Long Live The Q!!!
Johnny K. aka JohnnyBigSmoke
I stumbled onto this website by accident and I must say, THIS IS THE GREATEST WEBSITE EVER!!! Who knew the Internet was good for something other than pornography???

I am no stranger to the Q by any stretch of the imagination, however, I am quite the novice smoker. I'm reading plenty about different methods of smoking and I must say, I have learned more today about smoking pork than I have learned through trial and error over the past few years (Although mistakes have never been so tasty!). I would like to thank all of you who posted on this string, you are all making the world a more delicious place.
I am trying to get a great balance between moist pork and a good hard bark. I have been trying multiple methods and have not yet been successful. It seems like all the methods I've been reading involve a foil wrap at 170 then taking the butt up to 200. I find that this is great to keep the pork moist but my bark always turns to mush. I have also tried taking the butt to 200 without the foil and that just seems to get dry (not terribly dry, but more than I'd like). As an aspiring restaurant owner, I need to find that zen like method that combines the crispy bark with moist and delicious pork.
If someone has already posted a method to achieve this, i apologize for the redundant question. Please put up a link to the post and I would be forever grateful.
Happy Smoking and Long Live The Q!!!
Johnny K. aka JohnnyBigSmoke