Howdy everyone, Craig here. I live in South Central Nebraska just outside the city of Kearney Nebraska. I was born in Nebraska and grew up in both Medford Oregon for 13 years and then a suburb of Denver Colorado for 15 years and have now moved back home to the good life here in Nebraska. Unlike many of you "world famous" smokers on the forum here I own a little chief electric smoker that I purchased 15 years ago and to this day it still works great. Is it the greatest unit on earth? NO and before my time is through on this green earth I will have something closes to the big smoker q that some of you folks have. I started smoking Kokannee salmon in Colorado 15 years ago. They are a landlocked version of the Sockeye salmon and back in the day we were allowed to harvest 40 a day as the fish are not capable of reproducing and therefore are something to harvest and enjoy. I have since then smoked salmon, trout, catfish, venison, homemade venison sausage, turkey legs, ribs and probably a few other things. In reading the forum in the last day before signing up I see I need to get an idea of what my temp is inside the thin metal box I call my smoker and learn to better control my temp via insulation or ventilation and so on. Hope you all are having a great week and look forward to chatting with you soon!