Another #1 hit on Google!

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jul 2, 2007
Lakewood, CO
I just did a google search for Barbecue Competitions and came up as the #1 hit EVEN BEFORE KCBS!!!

Congrats on a most excellent site Jeff!
I just wanted to say how great this site is... Always helpful, a great place to find and share recipes. I am very happy to be a part of it all...
Been smoking for 6 years and I have more than doubled, possibly tripled my knowledge in the last month and half after joining. Besides that since joining my interest level in smoking different things and motivation to smoke more often has went up considerably.

I belong to quite a few different forums (all others are hunting, fishing and reloading sites) and the attitudes and helpfulness of the members of this site is 2nd to none. I have been to quite a few gatherings of members with a few other sites I am a member of. But I am really looking forward to someday there being a gathering of members from this site in my local 4 state area.

What Jeff has put together with this site is commendable, what the members have provided in knowledge and just general neighborliness is what has made the top notch quality of the site.

I am proud to be a SMF member and hoping to someday being a knight in the order of the thin blue smoke !!!
Okay, had a few beverages tonight and using a new laptop that didn't havethe web site as a favorite. Did a google search for "smoking BBQ" and guess who was first! (ywah i"m pecking slowly)

DJD, thanks for your site as well! I did my first smoke this past weekend following mostly recipes i found on your site and cooking suggetions i found here and all was great. I meant to post some Qview but lost my internet connection from home until today.

Did 2 pulled butts, 24 ABT's and those wicked beans. Had about 13 folks eating and only had about 1/4 lb of meat left from 2 6lb butts. Must have worked! No beans or ABT's left.

Hope to grt my new lang next week! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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