I smoked it on my pellet grill at 250 and finished it under the broiler quickly to crisp the bacon.VERY cool, westby! I still have one good sized link from my Anduille batch which I'm now saving to try this. I'll probably go with a small loin, though. Did you grill it or smoke it?
250 in the smoker for how long?
I smoked it on my pellet grill at 250 and finished it under the broiler quickly to crisp the bacon.
Ok at least that gives us an idea of approximate smoking time. THANK!I don't recall the exact time. I took it off at 145 IT. It was a bit over 2 hours if I remember correctly.
I used a maple, hickory, cherry blend for wood.
murraysmokin - The sausage was smoked after it was made, but I did a second cook/smoke on it that morning before stuffing it. I knew I wouldn't take my tenderloin that hot and wanted to be sure to get the sausage to temp to render out some of the fat.
Would that Anduille recipe be a secret, or could it be shared?I have Andouille on the radar this weekend my dad's old meatstore in Detroit used to make the best andouille & haven't made gumbo since they closed, hopefully my first shot is close to theirs & I may stay hot & try my hand at some chorizo