And My Wife Said

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Nepas OTBS #242
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Dec 25, 2010
Rineyville, KY
Lets get your sausage stuff in one area.

But I wont be able to find anything.

It's not open for discussion.

I'm still looking for things I organized . I have so much stuff here .
My wife could never hard-sell me on that even though she is an organizer and likes to "contain" stuff. She cant say a word because she has every possible nook and cranny in the house stuffed with fabric and sewing stuff! Of course she blames that on us not having an entire floor dedicated to her sewing. She's been eyeballing my office for years...

That looks nice and organized though. Will it look like that in a year?
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My wife could never hard-sell me on that even though she is an organizer and likes to "contain" stuff. She cant say a word because she has every possible nook and cranny in the house stuffed with fabric and sewing stuff! Of course she blames that on us not having an entire floor dedicated to her sewing. She's been eyeballing my office for years...
My ex-wife and I went round and round on that for years. Garage was so full of her junk, she didn't even know what she had anymore. I couldn't even get to my workbench. Every time I brought up the subject, it was always, "That's all your books out there!" Uh-huh. When we split up and moved out, yeah I had a few boxes of books; but that comprised about 1% of what was out there. The rest of my stuff brought the total to about 15%. It finally sunk in when she had to move out her own crap.
The kitchen counter. Tells me to clean my stuff up so it's clean. I take the two things that are mine off it and look at her like um your turn. Funny that pink stuff is mine too???
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I love it when my wife puts things away and either doesn't tell me or cannot remember where she put it and what it is.
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes! That was the beginning of many arguments, as when I go to look for something, I almost always need it NOW. Not in a few hours or days. So many times I ended up rushing to a store to buy the same item twice.
And then she gets on me, because I can't remember all her relatives birthdays...?
I love it when my wife puts things away and either doesn't tell me or cannot remember where she put it and what it is.
Mine is the same way. I'll put something away. Then later she'll be cleaning in that area and move it later when I ask. I'll get the I don't know what you did with it I ain't touched it. I'll look around then just go buy it again. Then she'll ask why did you go buy that? You already have it I put it in that cabinet.
Huh? You said you didn't move or touch it.
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My ex-wife and I went round and round on that for years. Garage was so full of her junk, she didn't even know what she had anymore. I couldn't even get to my workbench. Every time I brought up the subject, it was always, "That's all your books out there!" Uh-huh. When we split up and moved out, yeah I had a few boxes of books; but that comprised about 1% of what was out there. The rest of my stuff brought the total to about 15%. It finally sunk in when she had to move out her own crap.
That's some good schadenfreude there!

My wife has been saying we need another shed. I say what for, do you really want your seasonal decorations (at least 5 seasons of decorative stuff that has to go up and come down and packed back on the garage shelves) and fabric, etc. to sit out in a non-climate controlled shed? I keep the garage from freeezing or getting above about 77.

I'm like, "honey, no matter how much more space we get, we're just going to fill it". We are getting to the age where downsizing would be smarter. But I cant say too much, I am a notorious pack-rat myself. I have a gazillion pieces of material, metal, wood, etc. I "just know" can be used on something! And its true, sometimes I will actually use something I kept 15 years ago with that thought!

I have her at bay dreaming for now. I had my parents build a house on 2 acres I subdivided off my property for them. They built a long cabin. Kind of a high maintenance house for the long term, but the plan is of course when they pass (they are 82) I get their estate (only child) if I actually out-survive guarantees in life! Of course I will be there if they become infirmed and need help. That was the original impetus for them building next door.

I dont really want someone I dont know living there so close (maybe 75-100 yards through the woods), and actually dont want even family like one of our kids living there. So I told the wife if we can afford to keep the cabin, she can have it for her sewing studio as long as we keep one of the bedrooms for guests (which I also prefer to avoid!). It's like visions of sugar plumbs dancing in her head! She insisted that she would still come home for dinner, etc.. Of course, I do 99% of the cooking!
Why I have my barn kitchen. It is my domain and nobody but me does any cooking out here nor does anyone enter without me being in here.
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I still hide things from myself now and then, but mostly find them fairly quickly lol.
Sometimes. My mom gave me back my Judge pistol one day. I was fixin to go to work and the grandkids were here. So I put it where I wouldn't have to worry about them gettin there hands on it.
I check/clean all my tools every six months. Took me over 18 months to find it. Good thing it's stainless. LoL

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