Have not read the entire thread...yet...I have been trying to find a source for pure pellets here in Eastern Washington, just to use in the
AMNPS, and have had zero luck. Found a dealer for one of the brands in Kennewick, which is a 4 or so hour drive for us. And of course did not book mark any of the info so now I have to search for it again.
Have been tossing around the idea of a pellet burner. Picked up 4 55 gallon drums yesterday, instead of buying a pellet burner I may just get the hopper gig from Smoke Daddy and build one.....and if that works well for me just build my own.
Anyways....have burnt up all the pellets I got from Todd. Purchasing them from Todd just will not work for me...last pork butt/chuckie I smoked was in the smoker for over 24 hours..burnt up close to 2 pounds of pellets...being disabled and on a fixed income I need a more economical source.
Started using Bear Mountain pellets from Cash & Carry. Neither one of us can tell a difference from one flavor to another. Had some of Todds pellets left...still the only thing we tasted was the smoke, not a particular flavor. Which makes me wonder if hunting down a local source for "pure" pellets is going to be worth the trouble.
When I use the BGE it is loaded with Mesquite chunks, nothing else. Barely taste the mesquite. Smoked some ribs on it a while back...filled it with Royal Oak chunks. Tossed in some hickory chunks, still the only thing we tasted was the flavor of smoke...
I have been dealing with a sinus problem ever since I moved into AZ in '93. Was hoping that it would clear up when I left the nasty air of the Phoenix area. While it has improved, a lot, it has not cleared out. Doc has told me that is why I have a diminished sense of taste. Very frustrating...