It was quickie. Had not planned to do any smoking for the 4th.
Fired off the GOSM gasser at 2PM, 2 hickory chunks in the smoke box. It made smoke in 10 minutes and settled in at 230°. 92° ambient temp.
Loaded in the ABT's and Johnsonville Itallian sausages. 2 1/2 hours later, DONE!
Filled ABT's with onion/chive cream cheese. The big ABT's are Gypsy Star sweet peppers I picked up at the local Farmer's Market. Very good!
Sauted 3 Gypsy Star sweet peppers and 1/2 Vidalia onion in EVOO. A squirt of Gulden's Spicy Mustard and it's heaven on a bun!
Not bad for a quickie.
Fired off the GOSM gasser at 2PM, 2 hickory chunks in the smoke box. It made smoke in 10 minutes and settled in at 230°. 92° ambient temp.
Loaded in the ABT's and Johnsonville Itallian sausages. 2 1/2 hours later, DONE!
Filled ABT's with onion/chive cream cheese. The big ABT's are Gypsy Star sweet peppers I picked up at the local Farmer's Market. Very good!
Sauted 3 Gypsy Star sweet peppers and 1/2 Vidalia onion in EVOO. A squirt of Gulden's Spicy Mustard and it's heaven on a bun!
Not bad for a quickie.