A teacher is explaining biology

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
OTBS Member
Jan 29, 2007
between Columbus/Dayton Ohio
A teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students. 'Human
beings are the only animals that stutter', she says. A little girl raises
her hand. 'I had a kitty-cat who stuttered', she volunteered. The teacher,
knowing how precious some of these stories could become, asked the girl to
describe the incident. 'Well', she began, 'I was in the back yard with my
little kitty cat and the rottweiler who lives next door got a running
start and before we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!
'That must've been scary', said the teacher.
'It sure was', said the little girl. 'My kitty went 'Fffff, Fffff,
Fffff'... And before he could say 'F**k,' the rottweiler ate him!'
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That was a good one
I had to copy it and send it to all the cat lovers
Thanks a lot. I laughed heartily!
I recently gave birth and am still on maternity leave. In general, I am a teacher by profession and by nature. I mean, I have a passion for teaching other people. I miss this right now, so I help students online. There is such a site where they write essays and help with exams. In general, now I'm there,e. If you will need an essay on any subject I will gladly write you something like that.
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