hey gang,
Would like any constructive input on these type of bags. Long term storage comparable to vac seal bags? I found some I purchased from a butcher supply and wonderind if using them is good idea. Don't want to regret using just because its easier to pack loose (sticky) sausage in these rather than a vac bag. It did seem to be a pleasant experience using my stuffer and these bags with a sticky sausage for patties later on.
Any help good or bad news, appreciated
1-lb. 4-1/4'' X 10-1/2'' - CLARITY Camo Wild Game Bags 250 ct.
Our quality meat bags are made of opaque polyethylene plastic with a 2 millimeter thickness. Both the 1 & 2 lbs. bags have a 1" expansion area on the bottom of the bag for added burst protection.
Would like any constructive input on these type of bags. Long term storage comparable to vac seal bags? I found some I purchased from a butcher supply and wonderind if using them is good idea. Don't want to regret using just because its easier to pack loose (sticky) sausage in these rather than a vac bag. It did seem to be a pleasant experience using my stuffer and these bags with a sticky sausage for patties later on. 
1-lb. 4-1/4'' X 10-1/2'' - CLARITY Camo Wild Game Bags 250 ct.
Our quality meat bags are made of opaque polyethylene plastic with a 2 millimeter thickness. Both the 1 & 2 lbs. bags have a 1" expansion area on the bottom of the bag for added burst protection.
Any help good or bad news, appreciated