Started smokin' 2 weeks ago. I guess it will probably be just another addiction to fan the flames of an addict with. I've thought about gettin' into smokin' for a while. A buddy of mine was cleaning up his place and I noticed his Char-Griller was in the to go pile. He had recently went with a gas grill. I looked it over and thought I could convert it into a smoker by designing a fire box and told him I would take it. Upon returning to pick it up he informs me they make a firebox for it and I can get it at Lowes. How's that? Already seasoned and ready to go! GAME ON! So far it's been babybacks, pheasant and salmon. I couldn't believe the pheasant! 2nd time out with the salmon I witnessed the Thin Blue Smoke. On the 2nd try with the babybacks they fell off the bone. I'm amazed, no, I'm addicted of course! Set the alarm for 4am this morning and my 1st Butt went on around 5. Gettin' BUZZED on cherry and lovin' it!