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  1. steelhere

    Still trying to decide on what to buy

    - I am in a similar situation.  I have had a Horizon Offset smoker for about 5 years, but have grown weary (and too old) for all of the attention required.  As a result I have been pretty inactive smoking for a while.  - My son has had a Traeger for a couple of years (not sure which model) he...
  2. steelhere

    Oklahoma Joes (Grill) - Want to build a side Firebox on it.

     I forgot to answer the question of where I am in Oklahoma.... I live near Agra
  3. steelhere

    Oklahoma Joes (Grill) - Want to build a side Firebox on it.

     They originally wanted $100, I offered $75.   There is a little surface rust on the bottom you can see in the picture.... we got it home and gave it a good cleaning... there is just a little pitting in the bottom where they left ashes sitting for a long time, but I think it will be fine.  We...
  4. steelhere

    Oklahoma Joes (Grill) - Want to build a side Firebox on it.

    Also, I notice that the seal strips (not sure what to call them)... for the door are on the inside of the pipe, instead of on top of the door like most?  Any comments on that?  I suppose I could easily add them to the outside and be double sealed?  And the hinges, appear to be a different style...
  5. steelhere

    Oklahoma Joes (Grill) - Want to build a side Firebox on it.

     I know I am probably way ahead of myself here.... but I am kind of excited to get something going on this.  I have almost NO experience with smokers or smoking. But I live on a farm here in Oklahoma, and I have Hickory and Pecan in good supply here on my property.  When we are grilling I...
  6. OkJoes-2.jpg


  7. OkJoes-1.jpg


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