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  1. rbergman

    Cajun Injector Gas Injector

    Thanks Big Bore By the way I spent a lot of time in Makoti, NoDak on my grandparents wheat farm. Still have oil rights and property back there. My great grandparents came from Germany in 1888 to Rock Lake and the New Town area. I have a few calls in fir the model number on the smoker. It's...
  2. Cajun Injector Gas Injector

    Cajun Injector Gas Injector

  3. rbergman

    Cajun Injector Gas Injector

    Hi everyone, Thanks for adding me to your forum Does anyone know where to get parts for a Cajun Injector Gas Smoker? I bought it in 2014. I need to purchase a gas valve and new burner. Perhaps pictures will help with model #.
  4. IMG_6555.JPG


  5. Thank you for adding me

    Thank you for adding me

  6. rbergman

    Thank you for adding me

    We have two smokers and enjoy smoking the game we bag. Pheasant are our favorite. My son-in-law who was attached to 101st back at Ft. Campell in Tennessee learned from an old soldier how to smoke. However, we have a gas Cajun Injector two door and can't find parts. We need a new burner and...
  7. IMG_6554.JPG

