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  1. grabber

    New guy from WNY

    Where you hanging your hat? I'm in CheektaVegas, about 10 mins. from Sausage Maker. Did smoked sausages, ribs, etc., haven't attacked brisket yet, as don't know what to do with all that meat. Did some dry cured but can't spring for a dry curing chamber. Be safe and welcome to the club. Good...
  2. grabber

    Beef tongue

    Hope this goes through.
  3. grabber

    some wood questions

    Here's something I found that may help.
  4. grabber

    Sausage Question

    Got to tell you, which/ what plastic containers are safe? Go to places and they list as, Food Safe? How do I know. I try and avoid anything, Made In China- sorry, just me. All I know, growing up without microwaves, plastics, etc., we never had all these cancer problems, etc.- Insert...
  5. grabber

    Sausage Question

    I welcome everyone's opinion. IMHO- that's why I put in cures in my meats, sausages, etc. Everyone, be safe..
  6. grabber

    Sausage Question

    Agree with BGKYS. Leave it out, as guys call it time to Bloom? Works for me every time. Don't know science behind it, but if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.
  7. grabber

    Lub for hand grinders

    Thanks, Guys. Be safe.
  8. grabber

    Lub for hand grinders

    Morning everyone. I've got a old hand grinder from my Father. Still works fine but not very often. So, the treads get dirty, corrode, etc. Local shop has Lubriplate to coat all the parts, treads, etc. It's $27 for 16 ozs. I was thinking Vaseline is a lot cheaper. Non toxic, lubes all the...
  9. grabber

    Use or throw out ????

    I let it sit for 2 days but than could' stuff it. So I had to freeze it.
  10. grabber

    Use or throw out ????

    Yeah. what's the difference, stuffed in sausage frozen or left bulk? Thanks.
  11. grabber

    Use or throw out ????

    Hi Guys. The ??? I have is, I made 10 lbs of seasoned, cured ground pork for sausage, but life being what it is, I had to freeze it. It's now been about a month and I want to defrost and use it. Anybody see a problem with that. All your help is much appreciated and good luck in your SB pools-...
  12. grabber

    Need help on brisket

    Thanks guys, much appreciated. Lot of good info for a rookie.
  13. grabber

    Need help on brisket

    Hopefully everybody's doing well. Need some help with brisket. Full brisket is too much meat for my needs. Anybody see a problem with me cutting it in 1/2 and smoking it that way. This is my first attempt and want to do it right, and not have it turn out as leather. Thanks in advance. Be...
  14. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    I grew up with depression era parents, that's why I'm trying to get the most meals from the largest cut to save $$$ and make the most out of it. All you guys gave me plenty of ways to make it happen. Much appreciated. Be safe.
  15. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    Saw on a Steven Raichlen episode, where he cut up leftover brisket, into steaks. 2 in. thick, marinaded, grilled like steak. Looked good but I trust you Guys. Thanks.
  16. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    Much appreciated. Thanks all for your input.
  17. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    Most leftovers taste better the next day but my friend, said not so with brisket. I'll refer this to the experts. You Guys.
  18. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    Agree, for last minute clearance on various meats, fish, etc.
  19. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    Thanks. Will do. I'll get one separate the two and go for it.
  20. grabber

    Rookie Brisket post

    Figure trim them up and go for it?