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  1. cowboy11

    Scarbelly Wings and Thanks to Everyone

    Disco You’re killing me. I love wings. Wish we were neighbors
  2. cowboy11

    Just introducing myself

    Happy Memorial Day
  3. cowboy11

    Boston butt question

    I agree with Al. If you are pulling you may want to start after 4/4.5 hours and it shoul be about right by then
  4. cowboy11

    Pit Boss 8200, Gasser, Old Smokey modified by me for me.

    Pit Boss 8200, Gasser, Old Smokey modified by me for me.
  5. cowboy11

    Wanting to get into BBQ Competitions

    Chech out SLAP YO DADDY BBQ. . He has won some major comps and loves his Weber smoker mountains
  6. cowboy11

    Another New Guy Who Got a Smoker for Christmas!

    Happy New Year and Thank you for your service When you get started try a pork butt as they are easy to cook. Baskets are great but finicky in that they are hard to master. Ribs, chicken, sausage are all good. There are plenty of step by steps for all of these on this forum. Build a fire...
  7. cowboy11


    Sounds like a plan enjoy and have fun
  8. cowboy11


    You need to post an hour by hour log of how you did your last smoke. It will help zero in on things. Do you wrap? What temp do you take it to before you put in the rest mode? Many variables to consider.
  9. cowboy11


    Depending on how many brisket cooks you have behind you, should be a consideration. If your techniques for cooking brisket are good then WAGYU could be for you. However, if you are own your first or second brisket cook maybe you want to refine your cooking techniques. IMHO the greatest piece...
  10. cowboy11


    i always keep notes and on a future cook my briskets have slowly gotten better I try to make only one or two changes per cook. If it is better I keep, the same or worse I cross those changes off the change list. Practice makes perfect. KEEP ON SMOKING.
  11. cowboy11


    I have no scientific  proof of this. My opinion is that when the IT reaches around 200 in the thinner part pull wrap and finish in a cooler. What I think this does is allow the brisket to continue to cook. The brisket is still cooking, but very slowly, as it will hit a peak IT and then start to...
  12. cowboy11


    In a perfect world a slice should droop over a knife or if pulled separate into fairly equal pieces. If you got it tender with a taste everybody liked that is the main thing. When mine crumble I make pulled beef sandwiches. Personally I like and IT of 200 - 205 for the finished IT. Don't know...
  13. cowboy11


    In addition to my first post may I suggest a couple of things: 1. Once IT hits 195-200 pull, wrap in foil or brown paper, then a towel, and put in a cooler for a couple of hours to finish, it will continue to slowly cook as it cools. Then you might save some for burnt ends (brisket candy)...
  14. cowboy11


    Congrats. Now you can plan your changes for future briskets. The Qvue certainly looks good. KEEP ON SMOKING
  15. cowboy11


    pictures STRUT YOUR STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. cowboy11

    Lifting a 400 lb smoker

    Can change the wheel sizes on one end or the other. Or maybe a couple of wooden ramps and roll the end you want to raise up on it. Maybe you have a neighbor with a strong young man who lift up each side while you put blocks under it. 
  17. cowboy11


    Please understand not every brisket is the same; therefore it is hard to put a time on it. It will be done when it is done. The best briskets are tender, toothpick test for tenderness. Your favorite seasoning (can be as simple as salt and pepper), build a fire, put in some smoking wood, and...
  18. cowboy11


    Your favorite seasoning on meat, 0-12 hours. Pit at 225 degrees more or less, foil when internal temperature gets to 165 degrees +\-, pull when internal temperature gets to 195 degrees +\-, toothpick should go in easy, leave foil on, wrap in towel, and put in cooler for at least 1 hour...
  19. cowboy11


    What do you think about the Stall, did you ever see it? Didn't look like it got to 203-205 IT (to render all the fat out), even though it was probe tender. Have you ever tried hot and fast instead of low and slow? After pulling did you leave it foiled, wrap in a blanket, and put in a cooler...
  20. cowboy11

    Best smoker for a cheaper budget?

    And l paid about $60.00 for a new one in the largest size at Academy. I primarily smoke and slow cook with it. Mods were an extra plate above the coal plate, using the minion method. It has turned out great ribs, butt, brisket, and grilled dogs and burgers. However, it is limited to coking for...