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  1. sidpost

    Any 2017 Black Friday deal to be aware of?

    If my search missed a thread somewhere else, feel free to delete this one and point me in the right direction! What Black Friday deals are you seeing right now of interest to members of this site? Any charcoal cabinets or premium pellet grills? How about an electric other than Masterbuilt...
  2. sidpost

    First time with a WSM and it choked on ash

    It sounds to me like your briquettes are low quality and generating a huge amount of ash.  Try again with real LUMP and tell us if that makes a difference.  Also, try some different briquettes and let us know how it goes.
  3. sidpost

    Question on kamados

    I looked at the Akorn's and was underwhelmed.  For the price though, I think they are a reasonable option.  For about twice the price, a Vision Grill is worth consideration. For ~$350 you can get the ~13" Vision Kamado at Sam's  End of the season, the larger one can be randomly found...
  4. sidpost

    Backwoods Chubby 3400? Or a Chubby?

    Wow, that's a lot of meat on what I thought was a pretty small smoker! How tight were the Boston Butts packed in it (it looks like the rack spacing is a little tight but, you have the deeper racks)?  Where they spread out on both racks?  Some pictures if you have them would be helpful too.
  5. sidpost

    100% newb Can I smoke on this?

    With a Webber kettle grill, I did some light smoking by adding branches gradually as the charcoal burned.  I wouldn't call this traditional smoking but, it did impart smoke flavor.  With your grill, I would try soaking some wood chips of choice in water and adding them to the grill while...
  6. sidpost

    Backwoods Chubby 3400? Or a Chubby?

    I am second guessing myself with a small offset stick burner so I have been looking at the insulated verticals.  The gravity fed models get too expensive too fast to be a viable consideration though, they sure look tempting. I am undecided on the water pan or not issue but, I keep coming back...
  7. sidpost

    Why is Franklin BBQ in austin so good?

    Tell me more!  What's best between Tyler/Longview and Sulphur Springs/Mount Pleasant!
  8. sidpost

    Electric or Pellet smoker?

    So, it sounds like pellet grills can be a little expensive on the wood side of things but, offers some possible performance advantages.  Hot and fast with less smoke is where it's at with them.  Low and slow and heavy smoke is a bit tricky. The electrics are easy on the wood cost and but don't...
  9. sidpost

    Electric or Pellet smoker?

    Yes, I know I'm in the Electric Smoker forum!   First of all, I'm looking for something with better build quality than the MES I see at the big box stores.  Right now, I'm liking the Smokin-it, LLC models but, Cookshack and Smokin'Tex are in there as well.  Then you also have the pellet smokers...
  10. sidpost

    Found info on PIZZA OVENS

    Thanks!  Looking forward to updates.
  11. sidpost

    BGE or other brand for smoking

    Vision Grills is where it's at for me. BGE's are sure nice but they are very expensive for what you get. Watch out for accessories which really run the costs up. Check out Costco & Sam's for good value mid-range models. When I get $600 together, I'm probably going to hit Sam's for a Vision...
  12. sidpost

    Backwoods Smokers

    What's wrong with a water pan? Soft bark?
  13. sidpost

    Backwoods Smokers

    I'm interested in these as well. I don't see many reviews of cabinet smokers besides the entry level 'big box' store models myself. I'm also curious about the performance differences between 1" and 2" insulation.
  14. sidpost

    Lang 48/60 patio options? And build quality these days?

    Okay, I'm in the market for a smoker and I'm considering a Lang or a Shirley Fabrication.  I have seen a lot of complaints on the Lang Quality Control this year.  Have the issues noted on this site and others been corrected?  What would you do with a $3K budget, 48 Delux with options or a 60...
  15. sidpost

    What can you tell me about Greasy Hill Custom smokers?

    Where do you live?  What attracts you to this maker?
  16. sidpost

    1/4" vs. 3/8" vs. 1/2" for a stick burner?

    Thanks everyone! I'm pretty much settled on a 3/8ths body and insulated firebox.
  17. sidpost

    1/4" vs. 3/8" vs. 1/2" for a stick burner?

    THANKS!!!!   Your experienced post really helps!
  18. sidpost

    Looking into a new smoker.

    Check out Shirley Fabrication from Tuscaloosa, AL.  3/8th bodies and firebox, full welds, etc.  A lot of "bang for the buck".
  19. sidpost

    1/4" vs. 3/8" vs. 1/2" for a stick burner?

    Yes, the extra weight would add to trailering expense.  However, have you tried to smoke in a steady 40MPH wind or when it is well below freezing?  Thanksgiving and Christmas get togethers often involve a lot of snow and wind.  It would be nice to be able  to smoke for the holiday's.
  20. sidpost

    1/4" vs. 3/8" vs. 1/2" for a stick burner?

    I'm looking at having a smoker built and I'm trying to decide on steel thickness for temperature stability in bad weather.  Is a 1/2" body overkill or a fuel hog?  How do 1/4" and 3/8" compare in terms of performance, fuel consumption and, temperature stability? For the firebox, is an insulated...