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  1. dego

    KB's Smoke House

    Very nice. What did you use for insulation?
  2. dego

    Beef Sticks With A Long, Slow Smoke For 'Tang' ala Nepas

    Thanks Chef Willie, and thanks for the fast response!! I WILL be trying this recipe this weekend so long as I can find fermento or powder buttermilk?
  3. dego

    Beef Sticks With A Long, Slow Smoke For 'Tang' ala Nepas

    Chef Willie, When you say you put into ice water, how did you do this? Did you totally submerge these into ice water and just let it sit in it or just a quick dunk in and out? Can you explain what bloom is? Also, would you have any pointers or suggestions for me? I will be using your recipe. I...
  4. dego

    Masterbuilt 20070910 generation 1 electric smoker new in the box

    What's the absolute lowest you'd take??
  5. dego

    Masterbuilt electric 30" smoker for winter use as well as summer????

    I live in Northern Wisconsin and I have been looking at a Electric Smokehouse Masterbuilt Black 30 Inch Smoker both with and without glass. I am wondering if anyone has cooked with either of these during winter? We get a TON of snow and COLD winters. Will this be able to keep and hold temps...
  6. My Venting mod on a Smoke hollow electric unit

    My Venting mod on a Smoke hollow electric unit

  7. dego

    My Venting mod on a Smoke hollow electric unit

    Electrical outlet cover that I had laying around. ended up doing 3 vents. 1 on each side and one on the upper backside. Thanks Custom99 for his postings and his knowledge. He has been a BIG help.
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  16. dego

    Wondering if this would be a good idea for my Smoke Hollow??

    I seen these ceramic briquettes while shopping at Walmart and started wondering if these would be a good idea to put into my electric Smoke Hollow smoker. They claim to hold and distribute heat more efficiently. Has anyone tried this? Would this be a good idea for smoking during winter months at...
  17. dego

    Jeff's rub

    Sorry this is kind of off topic but not. Jeff has his book with 80 recipes in it. Is his rub and sauce in this book or is it separate? I just want to know before I buy.
  18. dego

    Newbie from Wisconsin.

    I am a smoking virgin. I was just given a dehydrator for xmas and got addicted to making jerky. Then I after having jerky from a butcher shop and know that they smoke it not to mention having some smoked chops I decided to get a smoker. I got a Smoke Hollow Electric smoker. I bought some extra...