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  1. S

    Hello from the Mitten!

    Hard to receive info when you leave the same day you sign up! :)
  2. S

    Hello from the Mitten!

    Hi Jerry, I see the date on your post is from 2012 so 13 years later I don't know if you still frequent this forum, or if you will even see my post here. Curious to know if you are still in Grand Rapids, and if you're still smoking? I am about 45 minutes west of you in Grand Ledge, just west...
  3. S

    New Inkbird INT-21-B

    I did download it from the App Store. I dissent see an option to skip. Believe me, I searched for that before I entered my info. Nothing to be found. Needless to say I have been keeping a close eye open my bank accounts.
  4. S

    New Inkbird INT-21-B

    Seemed weird to me too. I reached out to them here so I will see what they have to say.
  5. S

    New Inkbird INT-21-B

    That's what I will do. Also, I am a little suspect of their app and the ability to connect the thermometer to the app. Before I could fully install the app I was required to enter credit/debit card info. It said that there were things in the app available for purchase. This doesn't seem...
  6. S

    New Inkbird INT-21-B

    UPDATE: After several back and forth emails with Charlie from InkBird, over the span of about 2 weeks, I was told that due to an inventory shortage I would not be receiving my order (INT-21-B) and that I should see reimbursement for my payment (bought using PayPal). PayPal looked into it and...
  7. S

    grill gloves for food.

    This right here! White knit cotton gloves covered with nitrile gloves (to keep the knit gloves clean).
  8. S

    Where are my fellow Michiganders?

    My apologies if this has already been discussed as I did not search this entire forum. I just became a member of SMF a couple months back and I may have asked this question back then, but I don't recall too many (if any) responses. I am what you would call a serious back-yard pit master. I...
  9. S

    New Inkbird INT-21-B

    I will send an email momentarily.
  10. S

    New Inkbird INT-21-B

    Anyone else order the new Inkbird INT-21-B and not receive it yet? I ordered one a day or so after Inkbird advertised the new release here. PayPal confirmed my order, but nothing yet from Inkbird.
  11. S

    Any new Michigan Members?

    Good morning, and thank you. What part of S.E. Mich? Monroe? Trenton? Flat Rock? Any BBQ comps. down your way in the summer? I'm looking to branch out a bit this coming summer.
  12. S

    Rib burns

    I'm getting a lot of "never heard of "rib burn". Maybe it's a geographical thing? It's a pretty popular term here in least from what I have seen.
  13. S

    Rib burns

    I held my own in the KCBS comps, but it's hard to compete with guys rolling in with $100,000 trucks pulling $150,000 rigs. The rib burn I want to enter is a qualifier for GLBBQA (Great Lakes BBQ Assn.) but I'm not really in it for that stuff. I dont strive to find myself on a BBQ TV show once...
  14. S

    RO 100% charcoal pellet deal

    For those who have a Sportsman Warehouse local, they have a charcoal/hardwood pellet available. Its called "Charwood" (of course it is...LOL)
  15. S

    Rib burns

    My understanding is that it is a "best tasting/appearing" rib contest. Don't ask me how the name came about. I also understand that this particular contest doesn't allow any fancy green garnish in the bottom of the turn-in boxes. Only foil.
  16. S

    What was the last concert that you went to?

    Bachman-Turner FireKeepers Casino in Battle Creek, Michigan Well, ok, it was Randy Bachman, his son Tal, and a few other very talented musicians. The other BTO members are either retired, or dead. They played nothing but early Guess Who, and the more well known BTO songs. Randy...
  17. S

    1st Ribfest Competition

    I am coming in on this WAYYYY after the fact but my initial thought was that the judges wouldn't allow 2 different types of ribs in the same turn-in box, from the same team (you). That would be like standing at the plate on the baseball field and getting 4 strikes when everyone else only gets...
  18. S

    Rib burns

    Not sure of this is the correct forum or not but I will give it a try. I enter in a handful of BBQ contests (back-yard, and KCBS) each year. This year I think I am going to get in on my first rib burn. Because I am a rib burn novice, I have no idea what to expect. Anybody ever competed in a...
  19. S

    New to the SmokingMeat Forums

    I know it well. Little town...sits on US-10, north west of Clare. If it weren't for the fact that the town sits on US-10, which is well traveled, there wouldn't be much to Evert.
  20. S

    New to the SmokingMeat Forums

    What part (or where) in Michigan? I hate the winter cold here (because I am getting older) but all in all it's a beautiful state with lots to see and do.