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  1. C

    Things you wish you knew/did prior to getting an offset smoker?

    For me... as much as I enjoy my WSM, I always have in the back of my mind the "what if" factor of having an offset. It's an itch im finally in a position to scratch.
  2. C

    Things you wish you knew/did prior to getting an offset smoker?

    I have been using my WSM 18" and a Kettle for the past few years. Have turned out some good stuff but have run out of space, so naturally I decided to spend a ton of cash and get an offset. Currently in the que for a Workhorse 1975 and will get later in the year. That brings me to my...
  3. C

    WSM 22" Sold out Everywhere

    I have the 18.5 but want the extra space of the 22. I know July 4th just happened but I cant find one anywhere without some 6-8 week lead time. Was it just a massive buy for the holiday or have they been hard to come by for abit?
  4. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    luckily tis the season... me and the gf do one good size gift for Christmas and that Kitchener was my pick. So I won’t know for a few more weeks exactly what I got but if she wants to keep her bf happy it best be the Kitchener haha. Just kidding. But chances are good that’s what I will be...
  5. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    And I know some of the manuals go for around $50 or so so is cheaper.
  6. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    I get that manual is good for small batches and I would assume reliable but why go manual over electric for nearly same price if both sell for about 80-100$
  7. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    i have thought about the manual grinder. Don’t own a food processor or a kitchenaid mixer. I just figured for almost same price of a good manual I could get electric
  8. C

    WTB - meat grinder

    That one is extremely popular on amazon and in general for review sites. Have debated it but never heard of them before. If a sale might jump on it
  9. C

    WTB - meat grinder

    That’s what I have been eyeballing recently. A lot of people on here have suggested it
  10. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    good to know. If the Kitchener happens to fall in a sale within next few weeks might nab that but if not I think cabelas is my #2. For burgers I’m sure would do me fine.
  11. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    Amazon did me dirty a few times with stuff actually sent from China. 2 never received. And one item totally busted.
  12. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    Haha it’s all good. I have been screwed from China orders before hence why I’m so hesitant. Fool me once shame on you, fool me four times shame on me.
  13. C

    WTB - meat grinder

    As suggested by some on this forum I should try to find a used meat grinder. Maybe someone has one that works great but just sitting around. I have about 100-150 max to spend. Thanks in advance
  14. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    That to me s reams a deal to good to be true. Never heard of that website. Probably ran by a Nigerian prince. But appreciate the lookin out for a deal
  15. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    keep me posted how it pans out.
  16. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    I’m sure can hang out for a sale. No rush.
  17. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    Is this the one??? Kitchener amazon
  18. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    I have read on these forums the Kitchener #12 has a nice little following. But have yet to find in stock or really for sale anywhere near that amount.
  19. C

    Budget meat grinder help

    Ok interesting... didn’t thing going that route. Thanks