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    How much to charge for a 20 pound smoked turkey?

    Man, this is gooooooooooooood! Happy Smoked Turkey Day!!
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    How much to charge for a 20 pound smoked turkey?

    Whole...a regular just walked in gave me $140 for one when I told him $75:)
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    How much to charge for a 20 pound smoked turkey?

    Located outside the metro areas of NC. Lots of New Yorkers moving here -- no offense meant. Well, maybe:)
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    How much to charge for a 20 pound smoked turkey?

    Using a J&R Smokemaster with hickory wood. Turkey cost $1.55/pound. Smoking with melted honey and brown sugar mixture in a paper bag for browning.
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    How much to charge for a 20 pound smoked turkey?

    Hey ya'll...I am smoking a bunch of Turkeys and was told I was charging way too low at $100 for a 21 pound turkey. Thoughts?
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    J&R Little Red Smokehouse Smoker Model 250FS

    How much are you asking? I have one and looking for another. Thanks!
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    J&R Manufacturing Little Red Smokehouse NEW!!

    Confused. Is this available?
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    J&R Manufacturing Little Red Smokehouse NEW!!

    Hi, if this is still available I am very interested. Andrew