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  1. Hijack73

    Time to restock country sage sausage

  2. Hijack73


    15 dollar surcharge for an egg I hear......
  3. Hijack73

    grill gloves for food.

    Silicone oven mitt. There are short ones and long ones and several different grip styles and you can get them really oversized or more form fitting if you prefer. I can take a butt off of a grate and just point my hand down and give it an iggle jiggle and the mitt will slide right off so I can...
  4. Hijack73

    More Oven Butt

    Heck yeah. I haven't cooked a pork butt pot roast in years but you gotta try it. Omit the bbq profile and roll like you would on a roast beef. Take it to fall apart and make gravy from the jus and with a plate of mashed - pork nirvana. I'd lick the pan clean on your cook!
  5. Hijack73

    Royal Rumble Ramen!!

    To me, the Rumble finish was a bit of a shocker. If Roman had had some of that ramen he might have rumbled a little longer in the Rumble. That Owens bump had me all up in kayfabe for a while.
  6. Hijack73

    CCW Course tomorrow

    Lotta Beretta 15 rd mags have weaker springs than they should. They aren't stiff enough to force the follower up hard enough to engage the lock. If you call Beretta and kick up a fuss they MIGHT swap your mag out. Tell them it won't feed rounds but that you have 4 other mags that work fine...
  7. Hijack73

    CCW Course tomorrow

    Same. I also don't open carry. I tried it a few times with my big beautiful Beretta but that damn thing is as heavy as, well, a big metal gun - with 18 rounds in it..... I do want to try it an a shoulder holster. It's funny because when I was younger I concealed a 1911 - which is heavier...
  8. Hijack73

    Tri-tip Sale...

    I love the stuff but I just can't pay what they want for it. I might have to stop and see if I can get a pair of those though. That stuff makes great sandwich meat cooked m/r and shaved, 100X better than eye of round IMO.
  9. Hijack73

    Jalapeño Cheddar sausage

    Oh man, I'm still working through my freezer stock from where I made sausage every weekend a few months ago when I was trying to figure it out - but that makes me want to make more right now. Looks like perfection.
  10. Hijack73

    Montreal Smoked meat

    Nice! I prefer a pastrami without coriander in the rub (I use extra in the brine) and your Montreal smoked meat is what I'd more call pastrami. Dill and meat are not my jam generally so I shy away from traditional Montreal profiles. I also shy away from traditional pastrami profiles since I...
  11. Hijack73

    Atlantic Beach NC!

    Oak is something special though. You also get to see something very unusual on Oak Island. The sun sets OVER the ocean. Took my ex brother in law once and it really tripped him out. I was used to it and wondered why he kept looking at the sky like he's gone insane.
  12. Hijack73

    Winco Egg-Price Ripoff!!!!

    Went from 5.99 straight to 9.99 a 30 pack at the Kroger affiliate. Still the best price in town. Publix was 11 bucks for 18.
  13. Hijack73

    waking up the kitchenaid mixer thread

    The lady decided I needed one for Christmas. She bought a 5.5 qt direct from KA. Lift bowl. I think I preferred my tilt Artisan but there ain't nothing about the lift I'd really complain about. Took me about 30 seconds to figure out that you just detach the attachment after you drop the...
  14. Hijack73

    Cranberry walnut and cherry walnut sourdough .

    Ok now, I am not much on adding things to bread BUT I seriously doubt a loaf of that would last me more than 2 days. DAMN Edit: the cherry one....
  15. Hijack73


  16. Hijack73

    Homemade Dogfood

    My grandfather would pressure cook chicken (bones and all) and feed it to his Saint Bernards. He would also toss them things like possums and raccoons (and once, a whole deer carcass that someone had hit up close to his house) I dunno about the science behind it (and this was 30odd years ago)...
  17. Hijack73

    50/50 whole grain rye sourdough

    See if you can get them to try it toasted. I will eat rye untoasted but it's not my favorite, but toasted rye is delicious.
  18. Hijack73

    SC BBQ hash, Midway style

    It's keto too, especially with the added butter. I tossed in a stick plus a couple of tablespoons worth but it would support more. You could back off on the onion, but IMO onion helps with the texture. Just rice up some cauliflower and there you go. At first all of the fat sits up on top and...
  19. Hijack73

    1st time smoking a pork belly

    Never heard of espelete but I'd sure try that. Looks great.
  20. Hijack73

    PSA for deep south peeps

    Fridge Medium/low end fridges only have a tstat in the fridge side