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  1. oregonrider

    What are you listening to ?

    Kenny Wayne Shepherd 10 Days Out: Blues from the Backroads
  2. oregonrider

    What are you listening to ?

    Wow, thanks for the link!!
  3. oregonrider

    What's your favorite off-the-shelf/store-bought barbecue sauce?

    +1 for Kinders. I’ll make my own on occasion. When getting store bought, I reject any thing that has high fructose corn syrup. My home made uses Simply Heinz ketchup (no HFCS).
  4. oregonrider

    Lol, I'm deplorable!

    I have one. It freaks civilians out.
  5. oregonrider

    Smoker turned off while smoking a brisket

    The Thermoworks Signals uses WiFi. Set its ambient probe to alarm at a low temp of 180° and you’ll know if your fire went out. I have an iPad that I plug in bedside & leave it on. That way I can hear an alarm, but mostly, during my nervous sleep, when I wake up I can see what the meat & smoker...
  6. oregonrider

    Ambient temp probe placement

    I've had a GMG (Green Mountain Grill) for years. It's the Daniel Boone model. I also have a Thermoworks Signals WiFi thermometer, which comes with an ambient probe thermometer. I could never get the ambient probe to read even close to what the GMG temp is set to so I just gave up on using the...
  7. oregonrider

    Has anyone noticed a difference in vacuum sealer bags?

    I’ve bought from this guy for years (sous-vide bags). 2 Rolls, 11.5x20 Premium Vacuum Sealer Storage Bag $28 shipped
  8. oregonrider

    What's Up with the Price of Mayo?

    I think this all started on Sinko-de-Mayo.
  9. oregonrider

    Inexpensive or Quality Pellets in Hopper When Using a Smoke Tube?

    I use the same pellets in the hopper & the tube. Bear Mountain. They ship bags free.
  10. oregonrider

    Use Kroger coupons and coupons from the Kroger family of stores from nation wide weekly ad digital coupons at your local Kroger

    I cut against the grain. That way, when you’re eating it, you’re tearing your bites with the grain.
  11. oregonrider

    first catering gig

    Vacuum seal the meats days ahead of time. Day of event, heat the meats up sous vide style: use pots of hot water (approximately 160°). Use catering trays with sterno. Cut open the bags’o meat & dump into serving pans. There are calculators online to estimate how much lbs per person. One side...
  12. oregonrider

    Green Mountain during high outside temperatures

    I’ve used my GMG twice in the last week. I noticed the same thing. Mine is under a patio cover but still gets a lot of ambient heat. I did a couple of shoulders & had them probed so I just trusted the ThermoWorks Smoke. For the ribs I did yesterday, I checked them at the 5hr & 6hr mark No...
  13. oregonrider

    What are you watching ?

    My wife’s uncle, Sid Melton, was in all those shows back then. He was in one episode of PG. He was a regular on Green Acres. Us old folks remember all those shows.
  14. oregonrider

    Wrap or No Wrap for Ribs

    No wrap. 7 1/2 hrs at 225° on green mountain pellet grill
  15. oregonrider

    Oh good grief .. $23 for a smashburger

    And I weighed 150 lbs.
  16. oregonrider

    Wrap or No Wrap for Ribs

    I don't even know who he is but he had a "wrap no-wrap" opinion so I shared it.
  17. oregonrider

    Wrap or No Wrap for Ribs

    Sterling Ball of and winner of the prestigious American Royal in Kansas City says “I’d like to kill the man who came up with the 3-2-1 concept. He’s ruined more meat…”
  18. oregonrider

    Oh good grief .. $23 for a smashburger

    I was invited to a barbecue gathering at a physicians house one time. I try not to bother the cook while they’re grilling because I hate that when I’m grilling, but as I stood there near him and watched him press the juices out of the hamburger I almost cried. I wanted to tell this intelligent...