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  1. smocan


    The smoker is fine just invest in one of these:
  2. smocan


    Benson those door thermometers can be off by 50+ degrees. I have a Stumps Baby XL and the door thermometer is useless. Invest in a probe thermometer like a Maverick or even an iGrill or the like. You probably ended up smoking closer to 280-295. That's how I do briskets. I've had them come out...
  3. smocan


    Here's mungo before getting wrapped and put in a cooler. It cooked fast (6hrs)but once I cut the flat I figured it out. I get local small farm grown beef and pork from my supplier and due to that the meat if very lean. I left an almost 1/2" fat cap and that kept it moist
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  5. smocan


    Here's my biggest brisket yet: 17 3/4lb. I didn't trim it as the fat cap was pretty thin, about 3/8". I call him Mungo
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  7. smocan

    Basic Brisket Smoke

    At 160 you still have a long way to go. It could take another 3hrs if you wrap it or much longer if you don't. There could be a stall in around 160-170. Also once you get it to finish temp 190-210 you should wrap it and throw it in a cooler for a couple hours. Depends on your dinner plans but...
  8. smocan


    Howdy y'all. Good folk here. Take advantage. Help out when you can. Keep smokin'! Stewart
  9. smocan

    New restaurant...need ideas for apps.

    Also, sausage!
  10. smocan

    New restaurant...need ideas for apps.

    Don't forget to smoke your vegetables! Asparagus, green beans and baked beans. These might be better sides.
  11. smocan


    Finished! 2 1/2hrs at 250 applewood and mesquite.
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  13. Welcome!


  14. smocan


    Some practice chicken for an amature comp next month. Here's the start rubbed with my chicken rub and injected with butter and rub:
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  16. smocan


    Brisket was regarded as UN eatable and that's why Cowboys used to cook it. You would put it on smoke early in the morning go do cowboy work all day and after 12-16hrs come back to camp and it was tender. It was a cut that most merchants couldn't sell. In K.C. Back in the day "burnt ends" were...
  17. smocan


    I usually stick the probe in after 4hrs and it's usually in the 160-165 range. Just in time for wrapping.
  18. smocan


    You just need to find a butcher who doesn't want to divide the brisket to make more money. If you get in good with the right butcher they'll reduce the price per pound if you're buying 16lbs of packer. To check your thermometer put it in a pot of boiling water and it should read 112*F( I know).
  19. smocan

    Great success 1st time with a brisket

    Brisket is the reason I started smoking and is still what keeps me going. Good job. Now you're hooked. Enjoy chasing the brisket dragons tail.
  20. smocan

    Meat suggestion for a week night smoke

    If you have 2-2 1/2 hours you can do some Memphis style dry ribs. Get your cooker up to 325 through ribs in without rub or sauce. Baste with mop every 15-20 mins. When the ribs bend to almost breaking baste one last time then coat with rub and leave in smoker for 5-10mins. Remove from smoker and...