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  1. Cabo

    BAH HUMBUG ???

    Thanks Ray!
  2. Cabo


    Thanks Ray!
  3. Cabo


    We missed you Ray! I've been checking the Joke section everyday.
  4. Cabo

    Propane Smoker - Managing Good Smoke?

    Yep, chunks will give better, longer smoke.
  5. Cabo

    Shotgun Shells

    Those are probably the best ones I've ever seen!
  6. Cabo

    WSM 18" coal burn time

    I recently did a brisket flat using the minion method. Almost totally full charcoal ring, no water pan. It ran at 275 for nine hours before the temp started to drop.
  7. Cabo

    Meat Smoking Anonymous Support Group

    Welcome from Clearwater!
  8. Cabo

    Picked up a used WSM 18!

    Please let us know how it goes. I have not done an overnighter with the WSM (yet). Did them a lot with my old propane smoker.
  9. Cabo

    Ok time for a new smoker and this time propane

    I had the MB 40" Thermotemp for 4 years. It was fantastic. The bottom rusted out. I was looking to buy another one, but could not find one in stock anywhere. I went with a 18" WSM to get me by until the MB becomes available.
  10. Cabo

    Tabletop LP grill reconditions for use on a pontoon

    I agree with @SecondHandSmoker about the ones designed for use on boats. We have a Magma
  11. Cabo

    Unwrapped Baby Back Ribs

    I never wrap ribs either. Yours look great!
  12. Cabo

    Tuesday Already ?

    Ah, the wooden ice cream spoon...
  13. Cabo

    Be Advised

    Here we go again...
  14. Cabo

    Last prime rib.

    Yum. I've got one in the freezer too.
  15. Cabo

    I am lucky to be alive

    Glad you're doing better. After I had sinus surgery I ate tons of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and mac and cheese.
  16. Cabo

    Whole Picanha Santa Maria style

    Looks outstanding!
  17. Cabo

    Back up home battery systems? Generators? Solar panels?

    We have 7.5 kw gas powered generator. Power goes out pretty often due to storms. It will run outlets, fridges, freezers and a portable AC. Every year at the start of hurricane season I fill up (10) six gallon gas cans. After hurricane Irma it ran for a week straight, but dealing with gas is...
  18. Cabo

    Pit Boss Sierra Griddle

    That's terrible. I once had a heavy pressure washer delivered by ups. The driver rolled the box end over end out of the truck and smashed it on my driveway
  19. Cabo

    Prepping a boneless butt: tying, rub, and other questions

    I do exactly as @chilerelleno does
  20. Cabo

    Cleaning smoker racks

    Soak in hot water, then citrus de-greaser and scrub brush.