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  1. sgtmonte

    Bear's "Step by Step" Index

    Keeping this one on file for future use.  Thanks Bear
  2. sgtmonte

    Sunday Trifecta

    Why is it that I always look at these forums right before lunch????  This makes me even more hungry than I already was. That's some good looking food you've got there                                                                   
  3. sgtmonte

    bringing new life to old smoker

    C'mon man, we gotta see it :)
  4. sgtmonte

    Looking for a smoker, starting here!

    Outspoken, you will find a TON of great advice in this forum.  The question of which smoker to buy, really has no perfect answer.  It all depends on your tastes and of course, your budget.  I think you'll find that most of us started out with a cheap smoker and have progressed from there.  I...
  5. sgtmonte

    Smoked Almonds

    Trying this tonight
  6. sgtmonte

    CSR's On The Mini !!

    CSR's? That needs to go on the list of acronyms.
  7. sgtmonte

    What's you favorite thing to smoke that's not a pork butt or ribs?

    Yes, the beer gets hot enough to steam since you're cooking at 225-250.  I cook mine at about 240 and it comes out great.  My wife uses the chicken to make chicken noodle soup.
  8. sgtmonte

    Which is better - Baby Back Ribs or Spare Ribs (cut St. Louis style)?

    ST Louis style ribs are my favorite because there's more meat. 3-2-1 method at 225-240.  I use butter, honey, and brown sugar when I foil it.
  9. sgtmonte

    New to the site with my homemade smoker.

    BTW, welcome to the site.
  10. sgtmonte

    New to the site with my homemade smoker.

      of that homemade smoker.   Let's see it.
  11. sgtmonte

    New Ideas a Try, (well for me anyway) Brisket!

    Everything looks good.  Hope it works out for you.
  12. sgtmonte

    Smoker placement

    Lil' Smokey sits on a concrete slab behind my garage.  I've recently put a 6' privacy fence around the slab to cut down on the wind.
  13. sgtmonte


    Congrats to the winners.  Those entries look delicious.
  14. sgtmonte

    New smoker

    Welcome aboard, Hawkeye.  I think you'll like that MES.  I know I put mine to good use.
  15. sgtmonte

    oklahoma joe's smoker?

    Very Nice.  I've been looking for one just like it.
  16. sgtmonte

    Sunday wings

    Looks like they turned out very nice. I need to get some Mad Hunky for my next batch of wings.
  17. sgtmonte

    What's you favorite thing to smoke that's not a pork butt or ribs?

    Bump. And my favorites would be 1. Turkey 2. Brisket 3. Chicken
  18. sgtmonte

    Stuffed Pork Loin w Q-View

    Looks delicious.
  19. sgtmonte

    Smoked Chicken Cordon Bleu
