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  1. bizbuzz

    Newbie from Central Pa

  2. bizbuzz

    New from NY

    Welcome George!  I am new to smoking as well as to these forums.
  3. bizbuzz

    Best Cover for a Masterbuilt 30" Electric Smoker?

    Thank you Xray ... I did look at that one, but wasn't crazy about the reviews.  Most say it isn't really waterproof, and with it being electric, I am a bit concerned.  Will keep searching!
  4. bizbuzz

    Best Cover for a Masterbuilt 30" Electric Smoker?

    Can anyone lead the way?  Would prefer Amazon if possible.
  5. bizbuzz

    Old newbie

    Welcome!  This place moves like a rabbit!  Have fun, I have been.  I am new too.
  6. bizbuzz

    Greetings From Nova Scotia

    Welcome!  I am new too!  
  7. bizbuzz

    Hello from Richmond TX

    I got to thinking about using the smoker as a business too, I will be watching your replies.  Welcome!  I am new too!
  8. bizbuzz

    Lerker decided to join

    Welcome!  Good luck on your smokehouse!
  9. bizbuzz

    What's your favorite wood to smoke with

    Welcome!  I am new here, so not familiar with all the woods yet, but did my first smoke on Wednesday on used Peach and was very delighted with the result.
  10. bizbuzz

    Hi there from SoCal

    Welcome, I am new too!  This place moves crazy fast, hard to keep up!  ::giggle::
  11. bizbuzz

    New from WI

    Welcome!  I am new too!  I have a Masterbuilt 30" Electric as well, let's learn together!
  12. bizbuzz

    New Member Looking For Soft Tender Beef Jerky Recipe

    I can't help with the jerky question, as I am new too, but just wanted to welcome you, and hopefully we can learn together.
  13. bizbuzz

    Greetings from California

    Welcome!  I am new too, let's learn together!
  14. bizbuzz

    Beginner Smoker Here!

    Thank you Bellaru!
  15. bizbuzz

    Hello from southern Virginia

    Welcome rawhide69, I am new also.  I was given the Masterbuilt Pro 30" as a gift, and I must say, I think it's perfect.  It's a no brainer, just like I like it!  We will be learning side to side. OOOO, thanks for the direction to the e-course, I am going there now!
  16. bizbuzz

    Beginner Smoker Here!

    Ah yes, Huli Huli Chicken, a Punahou Carnival fave!  Yeah, it's on my list.  I guess I need to find a kiawe wood chip source soon.  Oh the possibilities.  Thanks for the welcome! Thank you Al, so happy to be here, you all seem like a happy bunch.  Who couldn't be happy when we are talking about...
  17. bizbuzz

    Beginner Smoker Here!

    NOTE:  I can be wordy ... just a warning.  ::giggle:: Let me get this out of the way first ... I suck at grilling.  Ok, I feel better now. I grew up in an area that grilling wasn't used all that much.  Instead, we smoked our meats in the ground.  Yeah, I grew up in Hawaii.   I moved to the...