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  1. vennismokin

    Remember The Fallen !!

    Heres to my Pa, Uncle and to anyone else who made the ultimate, also that Red, White and Blue that flies over my grill everyday so that we are always reminded of the people that have made it possible for us to have this freedom. God bless and Godspeed .
  2. Remember The Fallen !!

    Remember The Fallen !!

  3. DSCF3322.JPG


  4. vennismokin

    whats with the rub???

    Bought the recipes, no complaints other than a few tweaks to suit our tastes. I'd have to agree with the measurement thing, TBS and TSP are easy to confuse. Overall a great base to start with and add or delete as you see fit. Didn't buy the book btw, just the rubs and sauce.
  5. vennismokin

    In a panic !

    If you have a vacuum sealer and a croc pot it could help, ribs could be smoked, sealed then slow cooked in the croc night before. Wings could be sealed and reheated bag in water to help also. The brisket I'd definitely want fresh outta the smoker, maybe kept warm in the oven if all else fails...
  6. vennismokin

    Finally! FAST FOOD worth writing about!!!!

    In Colorado Springs they have a restaurant named "Rudy's" I looked em up online once, seem's like they are Texas New Mexico and Colorado only if I remember right, but its a smokehouse thats basically fast food! Even have a drive thru. Smoked everything, sells rubs and sauces, love the names on...
  7. vennismokin

    Why is smoking meat-fish-veggies-ANYTHING so addictive?

    Wife was away for a bit last weekend, and I was gettin antsy. So I text her with one sentence, "my smoker isn't smoking" She replies, "whats wrong with it?" I reply, "it's not smoking" She. "can you fix it?" Me, "yes hurry up and get home" She, "Why I can't fix it." Me, "Yes you can I need...
  8. vennismokin

    Suggestions for new smoker as a gift - supplies etc?

    Definitely a chimney, I love watchin mine go, "Hot Hands" silicone mitts for sure! ebay for around $15, best cookin gift my wife ever bought me. More expensive side is thermometers also a must. ThermoPro T20 is a great bargain for about $60. Recipes, well you found them right here! Wood can be...
  9. vennismokin

    Beginner stepping into this world

    I'd also reccomend the wsm, but being totally new to smoking, for around $100 you can get an electric, which takes temperature aspects out of it, at least till you get completely submerged. At which point you will crave steppng up to something with more control. My first was a charcoal, and I...
  10. vennismokin

    Cleaning your grill.... any grill.....

    Light scrub with scotchbrite on warm/hot grill...wire brush on grills needs to be outlaw'd. I also found stray wire strands on my stainless steel grate after reading that article. How easy would it be to get that into the food....scary .. My cast iron grates I've always used scotchbrite. 
  11. vennismokin

    Cg13 new to forums

    Welcome cg! I'd love to get a BGE but I think my wife would divorce me if I even look at another grill or smoker lol at worse I know shed make me get rid of 2 to buy 1....not interested in that deal
  12. vennismokin

    Hi all...

    Welcome! I still use my electric from time to time, especially if I'm bein lazy or drinkin too much :) Still my favorite rig for turkeys
  13. vennismokin

    Better Late than Never!

    Welcome! Dont get discouraged, my first several smokes were iffy at best. Lots of reading and practice and you'll have the neighbors visiting everytime you fire up the smoke!
  14. vennismokin

    New to the Forum

    Welcome! LOVE that setup, I could waste a couple hours there for sure
  15. vennismokin

    New to Smokin, and this page. And very excited.

    Welcome! Won't be long and you wont be BBq'n without smoke ;-)
  16. vennismokin


    Welcome! and enjoy
  17. vennismokin

    Hi I'm Holly

    Welcome Holly! I've been smokin over 15 years and sometimes still feel like a novice, theres always more to learn it seems. The basics will become second nature with practice and info from smf
  18. vennismokin

    Let's talk about the "B" word...

    LOL I thought the "B" word meant "Burnt" when I first read the title!  I recently burnt a duck in my gas smoker, too tired and forgot the drip pan, 15 minutes into a hunting show I dozed off ... woke to the doorbell/curious neighbor. lots of bad smelling smoke and a very hot (was cold just a few...
  19. vennismokin

    Help Needed: Elk Roast

    I love doin these roasts, I like to use mustard and jeffs rub, then smoke them for about 2 hours, @ 225 then put them in a preheated crock pot with some h20 and veggies, let it slow cook on low over night. The only bad thing is waking all night to that gorgeous smell! You'd swear the smoker was...
  20. vennismokin

    Smoking a Deer Leg

    I always smoke the front shoulders because cutting them up for burger or anything else is time consuming and just a pain. Smoked these babys are awesome! Never brined any, I always inject them with either beef broth or cajun depending on my mood. I use mesquite pecan or hickory. Tried some...