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  1. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    Ok so i finally fixed this issue by buying an a-maze-n smoke tube used it in my smoke box and its WONDERFUL A short video
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  3. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    really 100,000+ members and not 1 person has been able to make a setup like this work?
  4. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    Can someone point me in a direction here please. I dont want to use a pellet smoking device because of the limited supply on the variety of pellets available in my area. Chips are more available at my lowes and i have a hard time finding jack daniels pellets. Thats why i was looking into making...
  5. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    So put more holes in bottom?
  6. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    I have pondered that but in my area I have a better selection of wood chip variety than i do pellet variety. So i guess thats why I was wanting the SD. I meancdo i not have enough vent holes on the bottom or too many.....
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  14. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    Hello i built a homemade SD I seem to not be able to get rid of the bitter smoke smell. im sorry i double posted this because i didn't see my original post how do i delete this post?
  15. Another diy SD build

    Another diy SD build

  16. bandmn

    Another diy SD build

    I seem to be having a problem with my homemade SD. Here are some pics of it to start off with. Attached to My Traeger Venturi tube Assembly to the lid Heavy tar substance on lid Breather holes on bottom of container Pump Valves and t connector I bought the quart paint can from lowes...
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